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Cynthia Ulrich Tobias

Founder, Manager and CEO of AppLe St. (Applied Learning Styles)

At the heart of serious and sustainable improvement efforts is better communication between people! Cynthia will show you how Learnings Styles enable you to work around through and with people to accomplish great things together in your important settings.

With a B.A. in education and a Master’s Degree in Learning Styles, Cynthia’s successful background includes over twenty years of private practice and business ownership, eight years of teaching in public high school, and six years in law enforcement. As a best-selling author, her books include:

The Way They Learn
The Way We Work
Every Child Can Succeed
Bringing Out the Best in Your Child
Do You Know What I Like About You
You Can’t Make Me! (But I Can Be Persuaded)
Redefining the Strong-Willed Woman
I Hate School! How To Help Your Child Love Learning

Cynthia is a featured guest in radio and television appearances throughout North America, and a popular presenter at workshops, classes and seminars for business, government agencies, churches and schools throughout the U.S. and the world.

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Partial Client List Includes

  • The WaltDisney Company
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Crime Stoppers
  • Seattle Police Department
  • Los Angeles Police Department
  • Chrysler (Oldsmobile Division)

Popular Speech Topics

  • Strong Willed Women and the Men that Love Them
  • The Way They Learn
  • Education that Works
  • I Hate School
  • The Way We Work
  • The Way We Love
  • You Can't Make Me! (But I Can Be Persuaded!)
  • Redefining the Strong-Willed Woman